Why my order is marked delivered but I haven't received it?
Why my order is marked delivered but I haven't received it?
Smokegem verifies the location and delivery status of each package with the individual carrier. If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered that means we have confirmed delivery with the carrier. If you believe that this information is incorrect or that your package was lost or stolen you will need to file a claim with Route Shipping Insurance (if purchased with your order).
Smokegem offers Route Shipping Insurance to every customer at checkout for protection against lost, stolen or damaged orders. By de-selecting this option at checkout, Smokegem is not responsible for packages stolen off porches, from mailboxes, lost or damaged by carrier etc. All items purchased from Smokegem are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon tender of the item to the carrier.
If you purchased Route Shipping Insurance with your order you can click here to start a claim.
You can read our full shipping policy by clicking here.
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